Black 2 Blue jam

Digicel brand ambassador Voice Performs at Black 2 Blue's Virtual  Backyard Jam. - Courtesy Digicel
Digicel brand ambassador Voice Performs at Black 2 Blue's Virtual Backyard Jam. - Courtesy Digicel

"WE not asking for the road, we not asking for a big, big crowd to party. We just asking for ah 200 people in we backyard."

Soca artiste Farmer Nappy echoed the call in the hearts of some Carnival lovers worldwide during his performance at virtual Carnival fete Illusions Black 2 Blue on Saturday night.

The Carnival 2021 fete, which was held in backyards, living rooms, cars, and anywhere there was an internet connection delivered a much-needed dose of performances from popular soca artistes and DJs.

Digicel brand ambassador Nadia Batson waiting to perform for the cameras at Black 2 Blue's Virtual Backyard Jam.
- Courtesy Digicel

Farmer Nappy, whose 2021 song Backyard Jam was an instant hit, was the first to perform. The lack of a crowd did not take away from an energetic performance, as he delivered hits like Big People Party and Hookin Meh.

Nadia Batson was up next with a performance of her 2021 hit Sugar Daddy, as she engaged with the online audience. Her performance of So Long I Ain't See Ya likely hit a sad note with people missing what should have been the feteing season. Her song First Fete also likely pulled at heartstrings for regular masqueraders.

Daniella Aleong, Alexis Seenathsingh, Dana Aleong and baby Noah enjoy Bunji Garlin’s performance at Black 2 Blue from the safety of their living room. - Courtesy Digicel

Performances by Voice and Bunji Garlin followed with a bonus performance from Kerwin Dubois.

The overarching theme may have been connecting in a virtual space, put in words by Garlin's All House is Road but the undeniable feeling of longing expressed by social media users was ever-present.


"Black 2 Blue jam"

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