The truth angers...sometimes

THE EDITOR: The truth sometimes angers rather than sets anybody free. The truth of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) elections is that no fledgling political party has the capacity to realistically perform in the middle of a pandemic.

Who cares whether the more experienced Opposition United National Congress (UNC) or the young Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) are in cahoots? True or False? Both are blowing hot air because of the mind-boggling difficulties of governing TT at this present point in time.

It will be grossly unfair to expect Tobagonians to deal with any further belt-tightening. Tourism is dead except for visitors from Trinidad. The sitting PNM government is unlikely to rush to give millions of dollars to amateurs with which to play political dolly house.

Will the THA face cuts in expenditure? Any new party will take a minimum two years to get into gear. Two years from now, globally, we may still be dealing with the variants from the original coronavirus. Is four years too long to wait for a fresh attempt at rattling the incumbent?

Even this letter is getting too long. TT people are all educated to read and spell. New hospitals, new ferries, new airport, new zip line. New this, new that. What is the difficulty in understanding political reality when it is staring you in the face? And remember, talk is only as cheap as the cost of one single covid19 vaccine.


Diego Martin


"The truth angers…sometimes"

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