Practical 2021 goals for teens

Dr Asha Pemberton

The new year is an excellent opportunity for young people to reflect and then take time to set goals for themselves. This year, 2021 is no exception particularly as we continue to manage dynamic social and environmental changes. While general new year resolution advice is often good, teenagers have unique requirements and need specific goals.

The following are some general and holistic suggestions of resolutions for teens that are useful. Keep in mind that setting goals can be challenging. Goals should be achievable by you, measurable, and simple and realistic.

Practise self-love and self-care

Adolescent development involves rapid changes due to puberty, and is also a time during which young people often experience periods of self-doubt as relates to their body image and expressed sense of style. It is critical to the overall health of teenagers that they accept themselves, love who they are, and engage in daily practices of self-care.

A young person who practices self-love will nourish their body with the best food options available. They will not allow themselves to engage in risky, harmful behaviour and they will make daily routines of spirituality, fitness and learning towards reaching their fullest potential.

Improve your social skills

Despite the restrictions brought about by the pandemic, young people have and will continue to crave and need social interactions with their peers. While this has been mostly relegated to the online environment, many teens remain shy or apprehensive regarding making and maintaining friends and this can be a source of anxiety. Within the limits of safety, young people should make goals regarding improving their communication skills, learning the nuances of verbal and non-verbal communication and most importantly, learning how to be a good friend. Communication skills are genuine social development skills which require learning.

Keep learning

Young people today are inundated with information at the literal tips of their fingers. Despite that, many young people do not take the time to learn new things and absorb content, choosing instead to scroll through social media images and funny memes.

If there is anything productive that you always wanted to learn, make this year your year. It could be an instrument, artistic skill, language or even new sport. Brain development is significant during the teen years and so new content, skills and information absorbed are likely to last a lifetime.

Get fit and maintain it

It is a fact that obesity is rising among young people of Tobago and worldwide. While social media influencers often promote unrealistic expectations regarding body shape, this should not deter young people from aiming to maintain a healthy weight for themselves and achieving some level of physical fitness. These are important and positive aspects not only of physical attractiveness but overall health and longevity. Simple and sustainable goals include reducing processed food, eliminating sugar-sweetened beverages or walking briskly for 30 minutes a day. Resolve for 2021 to get fit and achieve a healthy weight that you can maintain.

Volunteer and contribute

The act of giving and supporting those in need in our community reaps many dividends. Young people who are active in their communities are more likely to be leaders and more successful in their adult life. There are many ways that young people can volunteer and support Tobago. While donations of money are straightforward, young people often find it far more rewarding to volunteer their time, and innovate ways to support initiatives that include the elderly, early child care, the environment or culture.

Practise mindfulness

Mindfulness involves specific skills that teach young people to be present, in the moment and be more aware of their emotions and feelings. Mindful teens are better able to navigate periods of distress as they are able to regulate their responses to the world around them.

The new year will continue to present challenges to our youth. Ongoing online education, separation from friends, demands on parents as well as global uncertainty all threaten the mental and physical health of teens.

Mindfulness as a practice is an effective solution. Take time every day to sit quietly, clear your mind and absorb your environment. Use ten minutes to journal your thoughts and plan your day ahead. Engage in relaxing activities after online school, and most importantly be aware of your feelings and seek support promptly when needed.


"Practical 2021 goals for teens"

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