BIGWU still dissatisfied with Health Ministry's response to Perenco

Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh. -
Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh. -

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh says the offshore Perenco rigs are now being sanitised after a recent covid19 outbreak.

He was speaking at a press conference at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann's on Wednesday afternoon.

Over the past week, the media have reported that over 30 of Perenco's offshore workers have tested positive for covid19.

The reports, which included interviews with workers, claimed covid19 patients on a rig were being allowed to mingle and interact with other workers, and some were allowed to return home without being tested for the virus.

In a release on Tuesday, the company said it has been following the public health guidelines "despite recent media reports."

Deyalsingh said the ministry was alerted to the first two cases on the rigs on December 15. But by December 19, there were 39.

"We did swab all the other areas and luckily all those other tests came back negative."

Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram said the workers were in "fairly good health," and the patients are in state-supervised quarantine. Those who tested negative are also in quarantine, which the company is paying for.

Earlier this week, the Banking Insurance and General Workers Union (BIGWU) wrote to Parasram requesting an investigation.

It said, "We are constrained, in this regard, to ask on behalf of the affected workers and their families for your urgent and decisive intervention, to investigate and determine whether Perenco has met the required standards to ensure not only the health, safety and well being of their employees, but also the public at large."

Parasram responded on Wednesday saying he already wrote to the Energy Ministry on the matter.

He said, "I will continue to work with the company's physician and operating personnel as well as the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, which is the line ministry with oversight as it relates to these companies. All in a view to assure that safety and health of all persons are given their highest priority."

BIGWU thanked Parasram for his response but said "with all due respect," he did not address its plea for an investigation.

It said, "In this regard, we reiterate our earlier request for an investigation to be conducted and further, that its findings be made public, not only in the interest of transparency but to ascertain any missteps that may have contributed to the outbreak and have measures implemented to avoid same in the future at Perenco and elsewhere."


"BIGWU still dissatisfied with Health Ministry’s response to Perenco"

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