Cheerless, bland, intentional – and showing

THE EDITOR: The policies – or position decisions – of the Rowley Government have so far coincided with the unfolding of the "world reset." Included in the list of decisions would be the un-negotiated buy-in to the FATCA and FATF regimes – where they were looking for nothing in return and got just that.

The effective shutdown of the energy sector ensued quickly. Whereas certain multinational diversified energy firms took on a phased reorienting of their plant and products. This was not permitted in TT.

Overall, the cost to the nation had to be very high, in terms of industry collapse, plant breakdown, unemployment and generation of dependency.

With the introduction of pandemic measures under the heading of public health, there is now a direct threat to freedom.

Tumbling forward inside this wave is the passing of legislation to broaden interception and capture of electronic information.

Meantime food costs have been escalating.

The Government seems to have only hardship paradigms in hand, weaved about in the most cheerless politics and congesting of bland ideas anyone can remember ever experiencing – but which it uses to make laws more draconian.

There is a clear neo-colonial patterning. In fact, an intelligent patriotic approach would instead tailor options and results to true needs and development.

For example, we have at hand occasion to update the public health ordinance to more rational lines, not purely from one-sided "received wisdom," to suit ourselves. Why not try doing it?


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"Cheerless, bland, intentional – and showing"

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