Please have compassion for elderly

THE EDITOR: I appeal to the public utilities and other service providers to have some compassion for the elderly members of our population.

Many elderly people do not know how to access “bill payment” or “bill information” on the internet. Many do not even have devices – smart phones or laptops – that would make this possible.

Trying to get the information by phone is frustrating. If they get an answer, it is a recorded voice telling them to please hold, they are, say, number 42 on the list, and their call is important. It means they are expected to sit glued to their phones for hours as they slowly inch up the line to have their call answered by a representative.

For decades, retirees have faithfully paid their bills when they arrived in the post. Believe it or not, there are elderly people who do not have their own cars, or who no longer drive, so they make arrangements to get a lift to a place where they can safely and responsibly pay their bills at the end of the month.

This year, WASA, for example, has sent out only one bill and many people have been waiting with concern to receive their bills. In the last week or two, many elderly citizens have been shocked to receive a letter calling for a “demand payment” to be made of a sum at times beyond $1,000. There is something threatening in calling it a “demand payment,” which would suggest the recipient of the letter is irresponsible and has deliberately not paid their bill. There is no apology by WASA acknowledging that it has not been sending out bills.

Please, our elderly have served our nation well and do not deserve to be so nervous about their utility bills which they anxiously await. Bear this in mind as we soon enter a new year.


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"Please have compassion for elderly"

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