Scarborough vendors clash over stalls

An aerial view of the refurbished Scarborough market on Wilson Road in Tobago.  - Ayanna Kinsale
An aerial view of the refurbished Scarborough market on Wilson Road in Tobago. - Ayanna Kinsale

A Scarborough market vendor is crying foul, after a neighbouring vendor placed his goods on her stalls and refused to move them.Tara Maharaj told Newsday on Friday, a nearby vendor has been illegally occupying two of her four stalls for the past week.

She said the man has four stalls, which he has loaded with goods, and puts the remainder in her stalls.

"I complained to the market clerk; they came and talk to him, the security talk to him but he continuing," Maharaj said.

She said in almost five years selling in the market she has never had problems with other vendors.

"I know this gentleman a very long time, I never had any dispute with anybody."

Newsday photographer David Reid attempted to take a photo of the stalls on Friday but was stopped by security, even though the market is a public space.

Maharaj told Newsday the vendor eventually moves his goods after Newsday left.

The Scarborough market was reopened on November 30 after $36 million and two years were spent refurbishing it. The Wilson Road facility can accommodate 242 vendors.


"Scarborough vendors clash over stalls"

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