OPM: Let us work together to end gender-based violence


Photos: Jeff K Mayers
Whitehall Photos: Jeff K Mayers

THE Office of the Prime Minister, along with the Ministry of Gender and Child Affairs, on Saturday called for unification in tackling gender-based violence and child abuse.

In a media release, OPM said: “As citizens, it is our collective duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all. We are our brother's and sister's keeper. We must all respond to the call to end all forms of gender based violence by refusing to turn a blind eye. Seeing it, stopping it and reporting all cases of violence including child sexual abuse. We all have a part to play in creating a safe space and peace for all.”

While not calling any names, the release came one day after missing teenager Ashanti Riley’s body was found decomposing in a forested area in Santa Cruz. She had been missing five days when her body was found.

The release added: “As individuals, we must make a conscious decision to do better and be better. Change starts with each individual doing their part to end violence against women and girls by promoting behaviours and attitudes, which will bring about inner peace and peace in homes and social environments.”

The release said no woman or child should suffer in silence as OPM partnered with Eutelmed and Unicef to provide free counselling. The online counselling is available 24/7 and can be accessed by logging-on to caring.eutelmed.com. The password code is Unicef-ECA.


"OPM: Let us work together to end gender-based violence"

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