Health going BOLT

THE EDITOR: Speaking at the sod-turning ceremony for the proposed Ministry of Health headquarters to be constructed at Queen's Park East in Port of Spain, under a build, own, lease, transfer, or BOLT, facility, Prime Minister Dr Rowley said how good it would have been, especially at this time of covid19, “if those of us who were involved in the hourly management of this pandemic were all operating from the same place. It would have made life so much easier and decision-making more effective.”

So true, but how good it would be also if those involved in the hourly management of the primary care infrastructure and facilities could apply more effective decision-making to ensure the public receives critically needed MRI, CT scans, etc and medication at our public hospitals.

Nice to know taxpayers’ dollars would be saved using BOLT for the new headquarters. But why wait for it to be built and hope there would be more effective decision-making? Why not try a hybrid system that could immediately help alleviate the issues being faced by the public?

Maybe the operation of critical equipment and pharmacies could be outsourced to private operators to be housed at the hospitals? I am sure a better service would be provided than what exist now. Well at least until the new headquarters is built and the decision-making becomes much easier and more effective, according to the PM.

It’s time we get real value for the annual spend on the health sector.


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"Health going BOLT"

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