Teach sex ed in schools now

THE EDITOR: I am an advocate for the teaching of sex education in secondary schools. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Let us get this right once and for all.

Sex education increases knowledge for all concerned. It helps sexual issues to be discussed openly. It improves students’ self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a person's belief in his/her ability to succeed in specific situations.

The disadvantage of sex education is that it could be a motive for initiating sexual behaviour and tainted modesty.

We need to teach sex education in secondary schools effective immediately. No ifs, buts, whys or maybes.

Children do not originate from airplanes. Saliva does not make children.

Learning about sex from porn (not that I ever watch) is like learning to drive from the Fast and the Furious movie. A bloody horrendous idea.

If children learn of sex as a relation between their parents to which they owe their own existence, they learn of it in its best form and in connection with its biological purpose.


Princes Town


"Teach sex ed in schools now"

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