Cedaw Committee examines rejection, violence

The Cedaw Committee of Trinidad and Tobago will host a virtual dialogue in partnership with Women of Substance on examining rejection and loving in a healthy way. This is part of the 16 days of activism to fight gender-based violence initiative.

The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw) is an international treaty from the United Nations General Assembly. Signatory countries work towards women and girls accessing equal rights and opportunities; mitigate discrimination, sex stereotypes, and work against sex trafficking; ensure women access the public sphere, have political representation, and focus on women and girls education, employment and health.

Trinidad became a signatory in 1990. The committee exists to ensure the country upholds the convention.

Terry Ince, founder of the committee said while rejection was something people had to deal with, some women did not make it out alive.

"Rejection and the reaction to rejection is something we all have to deal with in our lives, and we've been hearing a lot. We've seen and heard anecdotally when people fall out of a relationship, the reaction is violent and women end up getting killed.


"We want to examine why is that? Why is this happening? It is not a unique thing in TT. It is a topic to better educate and analyse, including people's emotional intelligence."

On December 5 the group will be painting benches orange with the domestic violence hotline number and other tips on how to navigate out of a domestic abuse. They will be painting a bench on Siegert Square in Woodbrook and a bench on the Brian Lara Promenade.


"Cedaw Committee examines rejection, violence"

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