Relatives of murdered spiritual leader suspect envy was motive

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While the motive behind the murder of Tunapuna religious leader Norman Benn is still unclear, one relative suspects the killing was sparked by his generosity and kind nature.
Police said Norman Benn, 49, was shot dead while he was walking to the home of his mentor and spiritual consultant.
Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, on Monday, Benn's daughter Khadine said she did not know why anyone would want to kill her father.
Citing his kind and friendly, nature, she said Norman was well-liked and respected by everyone he met.
"He was a good, generous person. Kind and loving to all of his children."
Asked about whether she felt her father was killed out of envy, she said, "Anything is possible. There's a million reasons. But to say a sure reason, no, I wouldn’t know."
Another relative said Benn was shot and wounded during an attempted robbery at his son's birthday party two years ago.
"He always wore his gold chains and rings and that made some people envious.
"He was shot in his legs at the time and that made him think about investing in a gun.
"He was very kind to the people around him. He wasn't stingy with his cash and he loved helping others, but he didn't really have enemies, to say someone threatened him or something like that."
The relative said this was the only attack on Benn and did not know why anyone would want him killed.
The Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region III is continuing enquiries.


"Relatives of murdered spiritual leader suspect envy was motive"

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