Doctor offers to help fix 'broken' health system

Sheranne Samuel. -
Sheranne Samuel. -

FORMER San Fernando mayor Dr Navi Muradali has offered to help the Government fix shortcomings in the health service in wake of the death of parliamentary clerk Sheranne Samuel, 34.

Samuel died on September 22 after being admitted to Port of Spain General Hospital with a massive headache. She could not be given a CT scan there, and her family had to pay for one privately, extending a delay in treatment.

Her mother later told Newsday she had been found to have a massive blood clot on her brain.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Muradali, a qualified doctor and dentist, called for accountability over the death of Samuel, a hapless victim of TT's broken and shattered health system.

He wrote, “The 19-hour ordeal of Ms Samuel, as reported in the daily newspapers, for a CT Scan, which she eventually got done privately, is not only unacceptable but someone must be held accountable for this horrific tragedy.”

Muradali said earlier this year, he had called for the CT scan machine at San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH) to be fixed after his friend’s mother, Hasiena Ali, 64, had to leave to go privately for a CT scan, while the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) had claimed it was awaiting parts from abroad. “She subsequently died due to this delay in diagnosis.”

Muradali also lamented the death at the SFGH of Pooran Doodal, 62.

“His family publicly claimed he waited for four days on a chair at the Accident & Emergency (A&E) Department before being admitted to the ward.”

After a review, the SWRHA reached no public conclusions.

Muradali said Facebook posters often complain of major deficiencies in the public hospitals and health centres.

“In my research, there are many deaths due to negligence at our public health facilities, yet leading public officials make bold assertions that we have the best healthcare in the world.

“Patients are continuously being asked to bring their own bed sheets, pillows and toilet paper, pay for medication, and pay externally for blood tests and scans, while having the harrowing experience of long waiting times at A&E and delays in treatment.”

Saying the Government may not always have the trained personnel or resources to fix the key issues plaguing the health system, he offered to help.

“Therefore, at this time, I will offer, together with an experienced team of professionals, our assistance, free of charge, to the Ministry of Health, to make recommendations to strengthen our ailing healthcare services."

Newsday was unable to contact Muradali for further comment.


"Doctor offers to help fix 'broken' health system"

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