Elderly woman dies of covid19 - toll now 72

ANOTHER person has died of covid19 said the Ministry of Health in its Monday morning update.

“The Ministry of Health regrets to inform the public that there has been an additional covid19 related death. The person is an elderly female with co-morbidities. This brings the total number of covid-19 related deaths to 72,” the ministry release stated.

In addition, 20 more people have tested positive for covid19, resulting in 2,035 total active cases in the country. “These new 20 new patients will be processed for admission at the discretion of the CMOHs (county medical officers of health.)”

The ministry said five more people have been discharged from public health facilities, and there are 36 more recovered community cases, namely people who were previously covid19 positive and in self-isolation at home and subsequently met the discharge criteria and were released from self-isolation.

In all, some 30,679 tests have been carried out, resulting in the detection of 4,382 covid19-positive cases. Of these, some 931 people have been discharged from public health facilities, while 1,344 people are recovered community cases.

The ministry said at present some 106 covid19 patients were now in public hospitals including 59 at Couva and 27 at Caura. In all, nine patients are in an intensive care unit (ICU) and four in a high dependency unit (HDU.)


"Elderly woman dies of covid19 – toll now 72"

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