Paula Greene, executive director (Ag) Nalis; Symon de Nobriga, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Communications; Keith Scotland, MP Port of Spain South; Neil Parsanlal, chairman of the Board of Nalis and Tamica Charles-Phillips, CEO (Ag.), UDeCOTT at the restoration site of the old public library/former Heritage Library. When restored, the Eric Williams Memorial Collection will be housed in this building. –

Paula Greene, executive director (Ag) Nalis; Symon de Nobriga, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Communications; Keith Scotland, MP Port of Spain South; Neil Parsanlal, chairman of the Board of Nalis and Tamica Charles-Phillips, CEO (Ag.), UDeCOTT at the restoration site of the old public library/former Heritage Library. When restored, the Eric Williams Memorial Collection will be housed in this building. –