President: Recalcitrant few still disobeying covid19 guidelines


President Paula-Mae Weekes - Elliot Francois
USE AS HEADSHOT President Paula-Mae Weekes - Elliot Francois

PRESIDENT Paula Mae-Weekes says people who continue to disregard covid19 regulations are “a stark example of immaturity and impetuosity in assuming the responsibilities of nationhood.”

In her Republic Day address, she said it is important for people to take ownership of “all their decisions...whether good or bad, is an exercise of the maturity and sense of duty inherent in Republican status. Failures and mistakes along the way are but teachable moments from which we learn to become better versions of ourselves.” She said Republican status is the “ultimate milestone in the long road to self-determination,” adding that everyone must continue to grow and realise their potential.

“A responsible approach is critical and required of us all, especially holders of high office and profile whose conduct sets tone and pattern for others. Temperance, civility, respect for office, and a quiet word are all hallmarks of the wisdom and good judgment expected of ‘big people’.”

She also highlighted the “lack of cooperation of a recalcitrant few with the covid19. “Mature individuals make sacrifices, bear momentary inconveniences and are prepared to forgo many features of daily life such as limes, dining out, beach outings and extended family gatherings.

“Delayed gratification, the ability to postpone an immediate gain in favour of greater and later reward, is a fundamental gauge of adulthood. Our Republican status embodies those qualities.” She also praised healthcare workers who continue to work on the frontline in the fight against covid19.

“They have been at it non-stop since February in true and faithful service to the nation and this we know at great cost to themselves, physically, financially and psychologically.

“Full and consistent participation in the ever-evolving process of nation-building is required to secure a bright, resilient and prosperous future for ourselves and generations to come. I extend sincere wishes to my fellow citizens of the Republic of TT for a safe, happy and healthy Republic Day.”


"President: Recalcitrant few still disobeying covid19 guidelines"

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