Now let us unite to move TT forward

THE EDITOR: I firmly believe that religion and politics should not be argued fanatically (note I did not day sensibly discussed and debated), hence I have always kept my opinions on such matters to myself. However, after Monday's presumed election results, I can no longer keep silent.

I have always voted by what my conscience dictated, so at one time or another have voted for all major parties, be it UNC, PNM, ONR, NAR, COP or any other party that I thought would seriously make a difference in our progress as a people and as a nation. It seems that our country remains divided as to which party is best suited for the job.

I appeal to those elected to truly serve our nation and lead by example and to put aside petty differences that hinder good governance. It should be noted that our government consists of both the administration and the opposition and both are responsible for running the affairs of the country. If a government fails to deliver, then both parties must be held accountable.

There are no winners and losers in the Parliament for all have won their seats and have been given the mandate to serve. The opposition must realise, therefore, that when it opposes policies and legislation for no other reason than to render the administration incompetent and ineffective, it is failing the hundreds of thousands who voted for the losing party to make a difference.

Likewise, the administration must recognise it has a responsibility to the hundreds of thousands who did not vote for the winning party. It must therefore closely listen to those voices, spoken via the opposition, and work hand in hand to do what is best for all people.

In this society the administration must find a way to foster growth, nurturing, and progress. That is the only way forward.

To all who choose to vote in any election, I urge you in the future to do so rationally, and not to be swayed by emotions and traditions. The time to pay least attention to political parties is during an election campaign. Our decision should be made long before the election bell is rung. It should be made by observing over the years who have proven to have the vision and wherewithal to carry the country forward.

Most parties boast of all they have done while in power. How many boast of what they have done while in opposition, when perhaps we needed them most to make a difference? In the future, let us not base our vote on race, religion or the colour of our skin. After all, we are one race: the human race. Do we not all have red blood running in our veins? Do we not all need air and water to survive? Do we not all laugh and cry?

TT is a beautiful nation with wonderful people and great potential. Let us not spoil it by focusing on our differences but let us unite with one common goal – to move this country forward for the good of all.




"Now let us unite to move TT forward"

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