Words of wisdom for the electorate

THE EDITOR: Neither the Government nor the Opposition has covered itself in glory over the last five years.

Both PM Rowley and Opposition Leader Persad-Bissessar have exposed the lack of leadership skills needed to take the country forward.

Inept, incompetent, ineffective, useless and hopeless are sometimes used to describe the PNM Government's performance over its five-year term while the UNC can equally be garlanded with such descriptions.

Some claim that by default the UNC should become the next government since no party could perform as bad as the present PNM government.

Others counter that by putting an incompetent opposition into office cannot miraculously make it competent. The many recent injudicious statements by the former prime minister has further compounded the confusion in the minds of the undecided.

As voting day draws closer we may be forced to heed the wisdom of these words: “If better can’t be done, let the worse continue.”




"Words of wisdom for the electorate"

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