PM see selection writing on wall?

THE EDITOR: The Prime Minister said on July 5 he would never forgive Tobagonians if they elected Watson Duke in the August 10 general election. This statement brings into question whether the people of Tobago have a constitutional obligation to be loyal to any political party.

A few days ago he also said that if he is not successful in the election he will not cry. This of course is normal and has no bearing on any kind of obligation. Whether he cries crocodile tears or sheds any other kind of tears it is his prerogative to do so.

And in that context we are considered a democratic nation where any number of parties may contest elections. And we are also afforded the freedom of choice to vote for whoever we like.

Nobody knows who will win the general election, therefore people should vote their conscience and not because of the PM’s “compassionate” appeal.

Perhaps he is seeing that the PNM is in danger of losing the election, so he takes in front by pleading his case to the people in an attempt to encourage his fellow Tobagonians to remain loyal to his party.

And what are the penalties for voting against the PNM? I suppose nothing unless the party has some plan to punish them if they don’t vote favourably.

I believe this will definitely come back to haunt the PM later if he decides to contest any future elections when he will expect the people of Tobago to vote for his party.

I also think the Opposition Leader did not consider contesting the Tobago seats in an attempt to mitigate any tears from the PM and afford him some peace and tranquillity since Tobago is supposedly his home place.

I wish him well and wait to see the results of the election. I hope there will be no tears or hate for the poor people of Tobago.


New York


"PM see selection writing on wall?"

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