Calling 482-GARY a waste of time?

THE EDITOR: After two months and about 16 reports to the various telephone numbers the police have advised us to use, I am left frustrated by the inaction to those reports which I was told by the 555 and 800-TIPS operators were passed to the West End Police Station for action.

As for the 482-GARY line, I wonder if this is a sham since that was the one place I expected to get action after making the reports about a constant traffic violation in my area and about which I have called every time I have noticed the nuisance.

One should think that every report would be attended to with dispatch, but this seems not to be the case here. All it would require is getting some information from the Licensing Office – if that is thought to be necessary – and proceeding to address the complaint in order to bring some relief.

If the situation complained of escalates to something untoward, I’ll bet that in “two-twos” we’ll see a number of police vehicles on the scene.

All that is being asked is for the police to address a complaint regardless of how trivial they might think it to be.


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"Calling 482-GARY a waste of time?"

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