Ministry: Licensing working to reduce backlog

With a backlog of transactions to be conducted by the public at licensing offices across the country, the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) has assured that it is ready for the increased volume of work.
The shut down of government offices and other businesses for about three months due to covid19 preventative measures, stalled many business and commercial transactions.
Several people took to social media sites to express their frustration, especially with the operations at the licensing offices.
The MOWT told Newsday that they were fully aware of the concerns and were trying to accommodate the public although they were still operating with a limited capacity.
It said, “There is backlog of driving permit and vehicle registration transactions over the last three months at the licensing office. This was brought about by the mandatory closure of all government offices across in response to the covid19 pandemic.
“In fact, since the reopening of our offices, we have experienced a significant increase in the number of bookings and filled slots via the online system in June 2020 as compared to the previous year.”
The MOWT noted that for the period June 1 to July 6 there has been 13,720 drivers permit transactions and 2,515 vehicles registered. Compared to same period last year, there were 8,408 drivers permit transactions and 217 vehicles registered.
It added that while covid19 restrictions were still in place, the MOWT will continue to address transactions on an appointment basis.
“An appointment can be made online or through the hotlines. There are appointment exemptions, where used and new car dealers were issued special access cards to conduct transactions related to vehicle registration.
“Senior citizens are exempted from appointments, with fixed dates and time for senior citizens to be implemented from next week and introduction of additional counters, MOWT said.
It added that the scheduled appointments worked best, since walk-ins caused the body-count in the offices to go beyond the stipulated number of persons allowed to gather in public, under the covid19 restrictions.
"Ministry: Licensing working to reduce backlog"