Injured homeless man found

One week after a public appeal was made to help find 66-year-old street dweller Michael Scott, relatives reported that they have located him and are in the process of helping him find a safer location.

Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, last Wednesday, Scott’s friend Johnny James said that he and Scott’s sister Mary Ann Scott were searching for him after they found out he was burnt by a passer by in St Joseph.

They said Scott received burns across the upper part of his body when someone threw hot oil on him and were concerned for his safety.

Scott is mentally challenged and has lived on the streets for over 12 years.

Speaking with Newsday on Thursday, James said he was contacted by someone who saw Scott near the Bermudez factory in Champs Fleurs and went to the area where he found him. He said while Scott was still insistent on continuing life on the street, he brought food, clothing and an umbrella for him. “Fortunately the burns on his body healed but he still wants to continue living on the street.

“I’m happy he is still alive but I am trying to get him admitted to the St Ann’s Psychiatric Hospital for his own safety because the next time something like this happens, he may not be as lucky.” James said he learned that someone from a nearby restaurant threw hot oil on him when he refused to move from the pavement near the restaurant and lamented how uncaring society had become to it’s homeless and mentally ill citizens.

“I’m just trying to find a safer place for him to live. He used to live with his sister some years ago but he kept leaving to live on the streets. I hope he keeps safe until I can get him organised at the hospital.”


"Injured homeless man found"

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