Barry Padarath screened virtually by UNC

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath. - File photo
Princes Town MP Barry Padarath. - File photo

UNC Princes Town MP Barry Padarath has been screened virtually as a nominee for the constituency.

Padarath, who is in Florida, said on Monday, "I was screened virtually last Friday night (June 19)."

Padarath said last week that virtual screening was one option the party was considering if he could not return home in time to be screened in person.

On June 17, UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar confirmed that a virtual screening for Padarath was being considered.

Padarath left TT for Florida in March, before the borders were closed to prevent the spread of covid19. He had filed his nomination papers before his departure.

Padarath added, "The party has not yet announced the candidates selected by the screening committee."

Asked when he would be returning home, Padarath replied, "I will be advising the Ministry (of National Security of my proposed flight details very soon. I am awaiting some additional information that is required."

On June 16, National Security Minister Stuart Young said, "MP Padarath's application for an exemption to enter TT on his behalf, and that of his daughter, has been granted."

Sejal Lara Padarath is a US citizen and lives in Florida.

Young also said, "I have extended an offer that he may be quarantined at a hotel being used for state-supervised quarantine, at his own cost." Padarath said he received an e-mail from Young saying exemptions had been granted for his daughter and himself. Padarath also confirmed that he would pay for his own quarantine when he returns home.

TT Permanent Representative to the UN Pennelope Beckles-Robinson (who was selected as the PNM's Arima candidate) agreed to pay for her quarantine when she returned home two weeks ago.

To date, the UNC has selected 16 candidates. The PNM has selected 40 candidates and the MSJ four.


"Barry Padarath screened virtually by UNC"

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