Another hot air display?

THE EDITOR: I read with interest the report on the maiden address by the UNC candidate for St Joseph, Ahloy Hunt, in which he spoke of being ready “to fire our first Patriot missiles to obliterate corruption, poor representation, lies and deceit.”

Good going, Hunt, but start with the Augean stables within the party you wish to represent. So far, apart from party leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar apologising for unnamed wrongs committed by the UNC during 2010-2015, there were no explanations for the inflated costs of several major projects during her tenure, as revealed by Prime Minister Dr Rowley on several occasions.

And so far we hear of no plausible reasoning from the UNC for the draining of financial resources from state enterprises during its watch. It is ironic that the transparency and accountability rightly demanded now by several Opposition parliamentarians were conspicuously absent during the time they were in office.

I can just imagine Hunt having a field day firing off his Patriot missiles. But Hunt may soon find out, like Hercules, that cleaning King Augeas’ stables is an overwhelmingly unpleasant task that has long called for attention.

Does he have the testicular fortitude to speak truth to power or is this another display of hot air?


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"Another hot air display?"

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