Paria CEO paid $112,000 per month

Franklin Khan -
Franklin Khan -

PARIA Fuel Trading Company general manager Mushtaq Mohammed earns $112,037 per month in salary and perks, Energy Minister Franklin Khan told the Senate on Tuesday in reply to a listed question from Opposition Senator Wade Mark.

Mohammed earns a base salary of $86,700, housing allowance of $8,670, and a vehicle allowance of $16,667, with no pension contribution, said Khan.

Paria financial lead (equivalent to chief financial officer) Isabella Nelson Lovell receives a $59,915 package, comprised of $43,333 in salary, $4,333 in housing allowance, $7,916 in vehicle allowance and $4,333 in pension contribution.

Khan said Heritage Petroleum CEO Arlene Chow earns $150,000 per month in straight salary, with no allowances for housing, vehicle or pension contribution.

Chow’s package was first disclosed to the House of Representatives in September 2019 by Finance Minister Colm Imbert soon after she replaced US-born Mike Wylie who earned $240,000 per month. Heritage chief financial officer (CFO) Nigel Campbell earns a $110,600 package made up of a salary of $80,000, housing allowance of $8,000, vehicle allowance of $14,000 and pension contribution of $8,000.


"Paria CEO paid $112,000 per month"

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