Senator Deyalsingh urges gov't: Accept help from DEA

Independent Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh
Independent Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh

Independent senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh is urging the government to accept assistance from international intelligence agencies in battling drug trafficking and gang violence in TT.

He made the call on Tuesday in the Senate during debate on an Opposition motion on the government’s failure to deal with crime. Deyalsingh suggested that local law enforcement could benefit by collaborating more closely with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

Referring to travel advisories issued by the US and Canada in recent years, Deyalsingh said a more proactive, concerted approach was necessary to rooting out criminals.

Referring to the 2020 OSAC crime and safety report for TT, Deyalsingh said there were areas earmarked for improvement.

"We need to have a nationalistic attitude to develop our country. The reports we have gotten from the US actually mention certain areas in TT that we can try to improve on.

"Drug trafficking and gang-related activities continue to be a major problem. It's time we ask the DEA to come in and set up so they can help us with our problems."

Citing a report from the United Nations which stated there were over 100 gangs in TT, Deyalsingh said while legislation was welcomed to combat organised crime, short-term solutions were neded in order to fight crime on a daily basis.

"Even though we are having all the lovely legislation from the Attorney General, which I think is materialising, the day-to-day running, the daily getting things to work is what we will need to look at.

"If you don't see about the basic things first you'll be in some trouble."

During an interview with Newsday in April, US Navy Commander Admiral Craig Faller said the US would be collaborating with TT for drug-interdiction operations near South America.

Faller said the operations would involve the exchange of intelligence and information between both countries.


"Senator Deyalsingh urges gov’t: Accept help from DEA"

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