Political kibitzers need to exercise restraint

THE EDITOR: The cloistered attempt by the leader of Government to signal unconcern or maybe to put an end to the very public discourse on the imbroglio surrounding the high-level visit of our Venezuelan neighbours appears to have fallen flat of the desired objective.

It took less than no time for those clothed in disguises of elder statesman, nonpartisan commentator or of a person seeking the greater good to respond to the larger-than-life photo of a seemingly benevolent farmer reaping his crop. The message to him, in short, not so fast.

One would have thought the front-page exchange between the protagonists highlighted in large, bold colourful type would have satisfied most readers, whatever their respective inclinations in the matter.

It is foolhardy to think that a high-level diplomatic meeting between the two countries would resolve the “he say vs he say” matter or result in the elaboration of calculated policy positions and actions of each side on Venezuela.

For now the positions previously espoused will continue to prevail and my guess is that both parties would like to keep it so, ie, on the back-burner.

After all, one is burdened with the current reality of Iranian oil tankers rapidly approaching Venezuelan waters; and the other with putting the finishing touches on a national election to be called within 90 days. Those, without doubt, are the respective front-burner issues.

For now the political kibitzers must continue to exercise patience. Their opportunity to depose a sitting MP or even the entire current Government will arise sooner than they think; not by hounding but via the ballot box.


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"Political kibitzers need to exercise restraint"

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