Putting food on the table for Eid

THE EDITOR: On the glorious day of Eid tomorrow, Muslims will celebrate a return to their normal way of living, having sacrificed the finer things of life during the month of Ramadan. 

Unfortunately, Muslims as well as non-Muslims, in many countries, are not alive today due to covid19. They are unable to enjoy this “recurring happiness” which is the meaning of the word Eid, as used in the Qur’an by the Holy Prophet Jesus, as is stated in Chapter 5, Verses 112-114:

“When the disciples said: O Jesus, son of Mary, is thy Lord able to send down food to us from Heaven? He said: Keep your duty to Allah if you are believers. They said: We desire to eat of it, and that our hearts should be at rest, and that we may know that thou has indeed spoken truth to us and that we may be witnesses thereof.

“Jesus, son of Mary said: O Allah, our Lord, send down to us food from Heaven which should be to us an ever-recurring happiness.”

Today food is also on the lips of every person as the lockdown due to the coronavirus continues to make havoc in most countries. Here in TT, there are those who have lost their jobs and are unable to put food on the table. Thanks to Allah that He has inspired the hearts of people of all faiths and nationalities to be charitable to those who are less fortunate than themselves.

May we continue to acknowledge His divine presence in all our affairs and seek His assistance in overcoming the challenges that we now face.

Eid Mubarack!


Iere Village mosque


"Putting food on the table for Eid"

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