Food outlets, customers must practise safety protocols

A KFC worker santizing the Coffee street San Fernando outlet - Lincoln Holder
A KFC worker santizing the Coffee street San Fernando outlet - Lincoln Holder

DR SAED Rahaman, director of veterinary medicine, has said food outlets must have a plan  to minimise the spread of the covid19 virus in and around their establishments, now that restrictions have been relaxed.

Speaking at the daily Health Ministry 10am virtual press conference on Friday, he said food places should not only identify risks but also look at solutions to protect workers and customers, as this mindset will give the buying public a level of comfort and confidence in making purchases.

He said employers must ensure employees do not come to work sick and all workers must wear masks and maintain physical distancing.

These simple rules, he said, must be enforced. He said long lines at food outlets and other businesses should be avoided and outlets must make alternative arrangements such as delivery and pic -up services available. Customers must wear  masks and also practise physical distancing. "It's a behaviour change issue and I know it can't be adopted easily," he said.


"Food outlets, customers must practise safety protocols"

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