Senior cop: Roadblocks working

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On Monday morning roadblocks continued throughout northern Trinidad as police from various units and divisions set up blocks and interviewed drivers on why they were out on the road despite continued calls from the authorities to stay at home.

In the Port of Spain Division, a senior officer said they intended to continue the road blocks until otherwise directed, and were optimistic that they were deterring errant drivers from venturing outdoors.

"Compared to what we saw on Friday and over the weekend, I would say that it's working.

"There are still a lot of people who don't seem to want to comply with the regulations – but that's what we are here for. For the time being, we will be out here to ensure only essential workers and people doing essential activities are out."

The officer said police at roadblocks were not only enforcing the public health ordinance but also reminding travellers to wear masks and observe social distancing.

In the northern division, police said they began setting up roadblocks from 6 am in Arouca.

In addition to the roadblocks, members of the Northern Division Emergency Response Patrol (ERP) were also patrolling to ensure that non-essential businesses remained closed.

"It seems to be working," said the officer, "but there are some really stubborn people out here who don't seem to be listening.

"Just this morning (Monday) the ERP had to go and disperse a group of construction workers at a work site in Sellier Street, Curepe. There were about ten men there working. We told them to leave the site and they complied."

Police said they would continue to monitor bars and nightclubs as the stay-at-home regulations remain in place.

Last Friday roadblocks slowed traffic to a crawl along highways and main roads across TT.


"Senior cop: Roadblocks working"

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