TT archer turns modern fitness instructor

Priyanka Dhanie  -
Priyanka Dhanie -

HAVING scored several junior and national records in target archery, Priyanka Dhanie has rested the bow and arrow, and focusing now on mentoring young athletes, through physical and psychological training, in preparation for competition in any sport.

Dhanie became qualified to do so following her studies at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill campus in Barbados for a bachelor’s degree in Sports Science with concentrations in coaching and exercise science. She recently graduated with first-class honours after becoming the first recipient of the UWI’s Dean’s List award for student-athlete excellence.

During this time, Dhanie founded PD Aesthetics, a primarily online-based service available worldwide, which offers personal training sessions for individuals and small groups, which is tailored to his/her or their lifestyle and needs.

“It’s not just monitoring,” Dhanie said. “If someone is a novice and doesn’t know how to exercise, I start by teaching them. If they are more advanced, it’ll be more monitoring.”

Dhanie charges based on the wants and needs of the client and with flexibility, based on what the client can afford. The goal is not necessarily to earn much, but to introduce a service, which Dhanie would happily have used as a young and up-and-coming archer, she said.

“I would’ve utilised services like these when I was competing, which would help me to reach my highest potential,” she said. “Now, I’m proud to share my knowledge and experience with the younger ones.

“They are the future of the sport and I am glad to provide a much-needed service.”

Her services are, however, not limited to athletes, who are bound for competition.

“For newbies I prefer to be with them step by step to ensure they avoid injuries, etcetera. And for the more advanced, I spend more time tailoring the programme to suit the level they’re at and goals they want to achieve.”

Be they novice or experienced clients, much of her service is centered on motivating them.

“There is also constant motivation and encouragement through communication with me,” Dhanie added.

“(It’s especially) for those who don’t have the drive to stick to a programme, those who find it difficult to motivate themselves.”

PD Aesthetics also offers strength and conditioning classes, which were designed specifically for those who practice target archery.

She sometimes interacts with her clients in person, on video messaging and through social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and Zoom.

After the covid19 pandemic boils over, Dhanie says the in-person sessions will resume in public places, such as parks and recreation fields.

She added: “My programme pushes the clients to get out of their comfort zone to find the courage to achieve a healthy lifestyle. It is often difficult for people to commit to do things they know they should do, she noted. But why?

“It’s because we don’t feel like it, even though we know it’s for our own good,” Dhanie said.

“Once you can fight off that feeling, it’s absolutely incredible and inspiring how easy things become when you realise your own ability to push yourself.”

Our bodies, she says, are unique and each a work of individual art, as are our minds.

“PD Aesthetics is built upon the appreciation of the beauty of individualism.

“As a society we are bombarded with images of what other people have defined as beautiful, so much so that they have now become accepted as the standard.

“But,” she continued, “I want people to know that health and fitness are far more important than how people view you. The fitness models on social media and magazines often take 100 pictures to find the ideal one to show you.

“Remember,” Dhanie said, “no one posts their darkest moments online for the world to see. What we see is only what they want us to see.”

She said her primary target clientele are those who have an active life and limited time to spend on fitness.


"TT archer turns modern fitness instructor"

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