State to pay police officer for lost arm

A police officer who lost part of his right arm in an accident involving a police vehicle almost five years ago will be compensated by the State. The vehicle lost power and tipped over after sliding down a hill in Morvant. Justice Frank Seepersad ordered a Master to assess damages for Shiraj Mohammed after the State accepted liability.
According to Mohammed’s claim, he was on duty on September 1, 2015, and was instructed to take personnel to Jusamco’s base at Las Alturas, Lady Young Road. He and other officers were going up Josam Hill when the vehicle lost power and was unable to move.
Suddenly and without warning, the vehicle began rolling down the hill. Mohammed said he tried to apply the foot brakes but the vehicle began to skid on the loose gravel. He then applied the emergency hand brakes, releasing the foot brakes, but the vehicle began rolling at a faster rate eventually tipping over and landing on its right side.
Mohammed’s hand was pinned between the vehicle and the road while they continued to slide down the hill. His mangled right arm had to be amputated from below the elbow after surgeons could not save it. At the time, Mohammed was in the police service for 17 years and was assigned to the Inter-Agency Task Force. He is still on sick leave. He is represented by attorneys Anand Ramlogan,SC, Douglas Bayley and Alana Rambaran.
"State to pay police officer for lost arm"