Why all the fuss about teaching?

THE EDITOR: It is difficult to comprehend all the fuss about students suffering because of school closing earlier than normal. This shows how out of touch people are with the reality of what really takes place in the schools of Trinidad and Tobago.

When schools closed last week Friday, all teaching of the syllabus was completed barring exams. In reality, the only thing that would have taken place in the next few weeks is exams. The students did not lose any teaching.

All this fuss about having classes on social media and television will only serve to add more stress to the children in an already stressful period. Let them relax and learn about life skills that will enable them to deal with life and the current situation effectively. With respect to the SEA and CSEC students, they now have more time to study. Finally, if schools remain closed after April 20, only then should the extra effort be made to teach through the various medium.


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"Why all the fuss about teaching?"

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