MATT must educate members

THE EDITOR: I would like to congratulate the Government and in particulate the Ministry of Health on their proactive approach to the covid19 virus crisis. Ignorance is no excuse now. Those who don't know about the spread of the virus are not interested.

Yesterday, I visited a health centre where there were many leaflets on the topic. One would think that the patients would be interested and pick up a few. Not so!

I was very disappointed that at a recent press conference, a reporter actually asked Dr Michelle Trotman, Thoracic Medical Director, for her qualifications. This was in such bad taste. MATT is quick to take offence when they think people offend their members. Maybe MATT should educate its members as to how to ask appropriate questions. Here is hoping that the grace of God will help us through this crisis.




"MATT must educate members"

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