Govt must learn from mistakes of others

THE EDITOR: Fantastic that TT is closing its borders, has closed schools, banned religious gatherings, but I am concerned that we are still allowing freedom of choice re restaurant dining, shopping for non-essential items, going to movies. Not enforcing better social distancing will be the downfall of TT, just as it is happening in Europe.

It is sad but people given a choice, many times do not choose wisely! Don't recommend against gatherings of more than 25, rather forbid gatherings of five people and more. Limit the amount of people being allowed in a pharmacy/grocery at any given time, close non-essential services, shut public offices, enforce work from home for private companies, put moratorium on mortgages/rents.

Do the financial numbers but save the country. China only managed to get a handle on this virus by effectively implementing draconian methods now being used in many European nations. It's not a time for politics or for trying not to deny people freedom of movement.

It's a time for action and very decisive action! You are the elected government so we expect you to govern. You the government know TT's health system will not cope if this virus gets hold on the population.

I am in Belgium, in self-imposed isolation whilst my Belgian government continues to try to walk a balancing act. Sadly, they have been slow but Trinidad and Tobago has an opportunity to actually contain this virus spread. Do it! Please government, learn from other countries' mishandling of the covid19 crisis.


Former Health Minister


"Govt must learn from mistakes of others"

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