Frustrated man breaks rumshop glass after being refused entry

A MAN who tried to get into a bar but was refused entry, clenched his fist and cuffed the glass-door so hard, it broke.

Warren Joshua, 39, of Reform Village, Gasparillo, pleaded guilty before senior magistrate Jo-Anne Connor in the San Fernando magistrates' court to malicious damage and possession of an offensive weapon.

Police prosecutor Cleyon Seedan told Connor that on Friday last, PCs Jeremy Singh, Joseph and WP Cpl Halls, were on patrol along Reform Road when they saw a man running with a knife stuck in his pants waist. It was at about 4.45 pm

Seedan said that people on the road alerted the officers to the broken glass door at Mikes Bar nearby. Singh conducted inquires and was told by the proprietor that Joshua was asked to leave and he refused. He then cuffed the glass pane and it shattered.

Singh charged him for possession of an offensive weapon and Halls charged for malicious damage.

Asked by Connor why he committed the act, Joshua said, "The bar owner get me angry. Like he didn't care for me to come in."

Seedan produced a ciminal record for the defendant amounting to six pages.

Connor ordered him to pay $1,000 for possession of the knife, $200 for breaking the glass and $200 compensation. He has 14 days with which to do so or serve three months hard labour.


"Frustrated man breaks rumshop glass after being refused entry"

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