A tale of two leaders amidst a crisis

THE EDITOR: It has often been said the true test of leadership occurs during a crisis. At such a critical time in our history, our leaders are called upon, now more than ever, to prove their mettle. However, as this potentially debilitating scenario has unfolded, a clear divergence in the leadership provided by Prime Minister Dr Rowley and Opposition Leader, Mrs Persad-Bissessar, is emerging.

From the onset of the crisis, I observed that this government has been on the ball. Proactive steps with regular updates were taking place. Upon arriving from Ghana, the PM addressed the issues and impactof the virus while detailing measures to protect the nation.

Meanwhile, the Opposition appeared to exacerbate the situation. The Prime Minister in exhibiting responsible leadership, sought to have his speaking time in the Parliament extended so he could better inform citizens on the crisis and government’s response, but I was horrified when the Opposition, encouraged by Mrs Persad-Bissessar, voted to deny the PM that opportunity. What an abject failure this was on the part of an irresponsible opposition and its leader.

While one leader is decisive, the other appears unable to come to terms with a way forward. While the Prime Minister rightfully declares a crisis and addresses the population, the Opposition seems to be playing games and seeks to deny him the opportunity to speak.

Whereas one leader takes firm action for the protection of all citizens, the other wishes to engage in a political talk shop. How we confront this crisis will determine the way we move forward as a people. We can be better off for it or worse off, but I agree with Dr Rowley, we are all in this together.

What this crisis had done is expose the inherent traits of our two leaders. Dr Rowley has impressed me as the level-headed, fast-acting, proactive and responsible leader needed at the helm during a crisis like this. He has taken the bull by the horns and is charting the course.

Unfortunately, Mrs Persad-Bissessar has been revealed as hapless, weak and partisan, unable to take the responsible approach and either unable or unwilling to reign in her own members from engaging in continued destructive behaviour. If anything, this crisis has provided valuable insight into the psychology of these two leaders.




"A tale of two leaders amidst a crisis"

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