Why oppose PM's covid19 statement?

THE EDITOR: It was embarrassing to see the entire Opposition bench attempt to stymie the statement to the country last week by the Prime Minister.

When image is everything in politics, why does the UNC continue to sell themselves short? There is a pandemic alert made by the WHO and all heads of governments have had to make urgent statements regarding covid19.

All citizens needed to hear Dr Rowley's statement. Imagine, the entire world is closing down in an attempt to lessen the spread and the UNC still wants to play dolly house politics.

If image is everything, political image must be one of cool headed behavior. There can be no them-and-us where the public health is concerned. Every single life is important.

There is an upcoming general election, numerous third parties are scrambling to prove who is smarter than whom. They are too small, too divided, to be of any political use at this juncture. We are invariably left with two main political parties with well established base support.

Looking electable involves making sensible decisions about political comportment. With no vaccine in sight as yet for covid19, political aspirations must be put on hold and country must come first.

The prime minster has joined with other world leaders with effecting measures that will best save lives. As we say in local parlance, he had to take in front, before front take all of us. Why must the sitting Opposition be constantly reminded that image is everything?


Diego Martin.


"Why oppose PM's covid19 statement?"

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