Practise what we preach

THE EDITOR: Empathy: Respecting the feelings of others; understanding and showing that you care about others.

As a nation, have we forgotten the rudimentary tenets of empathy, sympathy and kindness? Have we become so numb that the only responses we can offer to another’s pain and peril are laughter and humiliation, especially in a social-media world?

Each day we complain about the youth’s lack of respect and their obsession with aggression and violence but what example have we set? Our Minister fell, was humiliated, embarrassed and hurt and as adults we have made light of his pain and peril.

We should be utterly ashamed people! When did it become tolerable to laugh at someone who has fallen? What lesson have we taught our youngsters? Have we demonstrated any virtues that are indicative of human kindness and consideration? Empathy, respect and consideration should be more than simply academic; they should be part and parcel of our everyday operations.

Do we really want a better TT? Here’s a tip nation – Do not laugh when someone falls. As the great Maria Montessori once said, “Don’t tell them, show them.” Let’s show our children that we are capable of empathy and kindness and that respecting human dignity is more important than succumbing to the pettiness of political banter.


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"Practise what we preach"

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