I won't vote PNM or UNC

THE EDITOR: I am not normally a very politically vocal person. However, I've become so disillusioned by the poor performance of this present government that I was so sure I was going to cast my vote for the Opposition party in the upcoming general elections. But now I am not so sure.

After listening to the UNC's Monday Night Forum and the party's discourse on its economic plan; at first it sounds good and full of grandeur until I heard the party’s policy on the exchange rate in order to maintain competitiveness.

This present government, as inept as they are, is still protecting the exchange rate, thereby maintaining a relatively stable cost of living. The UNC's vision is to have a competitive exchange rate.

It seems to me that the UNC is adopting the same policy as Jamaica did, they allowed market rates to determine their exchange rate and their exchange rate fell from one Jamaican dollar to one US dollar then, to US$1 to Jca$135, today. The cost of a loaf of bread in Jamaica is Jca$300. Is this scenario the UNC's vision for the country?

I was left so disappointed and disenchanted after hearing the econoic policies at the Monday Night Forum that I really don't know if I should even perform my civic duty and vote. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for this current incompetent government and now I don't think I can vote for the opposition party. I may very well just stay at home and relax on election day.


Rio Claro


"I won't vote PNM or UNC"

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