Rambharat: Squatting is next challenge for TTPost

Clarence Rambharat - Lincoln Holder
Clarence Rambharat - Lincoln Holder

AGRICULTURE Minister Clarence Rambharat said one of next challenges that TTPost will face is the provision of a postal code to residents in areas which are not official settlements. Rambharat added that this would include squatters.

He made this point at the launch of TTPost's S42 Address Improvement and Postal Code Project in the Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation at Fonrose Recreational Facility, Poole Village, Rio Claro on Wednesday.

Referring to a statement he made in the Senate on Tuesday, Rambharat said there has been a steady increase in squatting in north east Trinidad for more than 25 years. He added the increase has nothing to do with plans to construct the Toco port or the construction of the Cumuto to Manzanilla Highway.

Rambharat explained that approximately 16,000 squatters live along an area in north east Trinidad called the Valencia Long Stretch. He said if those people were not regularised and did not get identifiable plots of land, TTPost could not given them a postal code so they could receive mail.

Rambharat said that could be TTPost's next challenge after it dealt with urban areas in TT.

Referring to the technology used by TTPost in determining postal codes and improving mail delivery, Rambharat said the Interceptions of Communications Amendment Bill 2020 underscored the positive and negative aspects of technology. The bill was passed with amendments in the Senate on Tuesday.

Rambharat also said while the advent of TTPost has arguably seen the death of the general post office, traditional mail delivery is not dead in TT. He explained the country's laws still do not permit the delivery of social services or court documents to be delivered electronically.

Rambharat was happy that Rio Claro and Mayaro were able to receive new postal codes before other places such as Port of Spain and Diego Martin. Noting the Prime Minister is also Diego Martin West MP, Rambharat quipped, "At least we (Rio Claro) beat Diego Martin in something."

He also joked that he was acting for acting Public Utilities Minister Fitzgerald Hinds who could not attend because of a sitting of the House of Representatives that was taking place at the same time. Public Utilities Minister Robert Le Hunte is part of the contingent accompanying Dr Rowley to Ghana.

TTPost director Kevin Finch said the S42 project would be rolled out in Port of Spain, Diego Martin and Couva later this year. That will complete its coverage over the country.

Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation chairman Raymond Cozier said the implementation of the project was timely because it coincided with the corporation's own spatial development planning efforts.


"Rambharat: Squatting is next challenge for TTPost"

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