Deyalsingh: People seek fame

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh  - Ayanna Kinsale
Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh - Ayanna Kinsale

Individuals are seeking fame of sorts from the threat of covid-19 to TT, alleged Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh in the Senate on Tuesday. “Everyone wants their five minutes of fame and glory on this issue,” Deyalsingh stormed. “You too!” Mark retorted.

The minister was replying to an urgent question from Opposition Senator Wade Mark as to how to address an alleged shortage of N-95 face masks.

Deyalsingh said, “The shortage is in the private sector, not the public sector.” He said TT has access to an emergency stock in Panama held by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and 25,000 masks due soon in TT.

He blamed mainstream media and social media for driving rumours of a shortage. Mark asked why nurses are threatening to withhold their services. Deyalsingh accused the UNC of driving an untrue narrative and said this ministry has a stockpile of masks. “We’ll make PPE (personal protective equipment) available when and if there is an outbreak. It will be made available to the front line people.” He asked all to stand together as a country to combat the virus which he said is coloured neither red nor yellow, the colours of the Government’s and Opposition’s parties.

Deyalsingh said he was taking 40 phone calls a day to set right comments made in mainstream and social media. “I am urging, let us all be responsible.”

Saying global supply-chains of the masks have been affected in recent times, he said,“We have to protect out stock.” He said in the event of an outbreak TT’s strategic stock will be activated.


"Deyalsingh: People seek fame"

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