Finally, the light

THE EDITOR: Each time I sit to write I ask the Creator for inspiration. I pray that my message, my words heal rather than tear down.

As we recover from experiencing what it is to forget the pain, the hate, the challenges of life through music and dancing on the streets, it is a good time to make a decision on the way forward. That decision is a political one. Politics is one of the most powerful phenomena of living on Earth.

Throughout our history, it is the politicians that determine our pathway through life’s journey. Through laws, they govern what we eat, what we wear, our language, our religious practices, what is good and what is bad. Through systems they protect, punish, incarcerate, promote, validate and create the realities that govern our existence.

Because of the tremendous power of politics, one should not take voting lightly. By voting for a person or political organisation we give the all-powerful approval to another to make decisions on our behalf. It is profound.

I am asking you today to make a political decision that tackles the darkness, wickedness, hate, lies and deception that are threatening to destroy what is left of TT. Furthermore, make a decision that would not only fix TT but hold out a candle to a world that is struggling with darkness and hate.

Let me be exceedingly clear. This is not a call to hate, disrespect or disparage anyone or any politician. This is not an anti-PNM or anti-UNC call. It is not a call for any racial or religious consciousness that seeks to elevate one over another.

It is a call to the deep spiritual consciousness within ourselves. A call that says in very clear and concise language that love is the solution to the ills of our world.

Each of us, regardless of our social status, our wealth, our health, our religious standing and our political position, knows deep within that unconditional love can transform a nation.

That love reveals itself in many ways. It is demonstrated in music, dancing, vibrations, smells, smiles, giving and cleanliness. A safe environment is often one where the environment is clean, where nature prevails over disorder and where prosperity dwells.

TT is unique in that we are an example of what the world can be transformed into if we allow love to prevail. We have people of almost every race, class, religion and social standing on these two beautiful rocks in the Caribbean.

We have some of the most beautiful rivers, waterfalls, beaches, swamps, mountains and fruits in the world. We are part of a larger Caribbean where almost every human being hopes to visit to experience real happiness.

Moreover, our greatest gift is our people. Our intelligent, peaceful, caring people who still smile daily and still share our limited resources unconditionally with strangers.

Our major challenge, and the purpose of this letter, is to ask everyone of us to start a war against the few that have opened the doors to darkness.

Make no mistake, every murder, every robbery, every economic failure, every negative condition that supports crime hot spots and a culture of dependency among a free people comes from a place of darkness. That darkness can only be dispelled with light. Nothing else can work.

Our choice in the coming general election is to choose light over darkness. Love over hate.

That decision is one that must come from within the very heart of the individual. No place else. If you feel it, if you know it, if you feel the spiritual calling towards the light, you will know what to do. You will seek those of a similar mindset and together we can offer TT 41 candidates from among us. From our communities that focus on one major goal, that of love, peace and prosperity for all.

The manifestation of that love will be a clean, happy country, and people who emerge victorious through a political decision. Only you will know of that calling and only you will know if what I write makes any sense.


political leader, DPTT


"Finally, the light"

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