Coronavirus prevention tips

Image courtesy CDC
Image courtesy CDC

With the emerging cases of the dreaded covid19 virus in the Caribbean, the public's growing concern that the virus will eventually breach our borders has everyone on edge.

While members of the Ministry of Health work to prepare for the eventuality of the virus reaching our shore, there are a few basic hygiene changes that you can make to your daily routine that can help reduce or even prevent contracting the virus. Dr Jaeon Bobb, house officer at Eric Williams Medical Complex, shared a few prevention tips with Newsday.


It seems a bit obvious, Dr Bobb said, but this is a basic line of defence. During a behavioural observation study at the University of New South Wales, he said, students who attended a lecture were quietly observed and it was estimated that each student touched their face an average of 23 times per hour. Dr Bobb warned that this virus can enter the body through any mucus membrane and that includes eyes, nose and mouth. So, he suggested, avoid touching your face as much as possible.


"If you see someone coughing or sneezing, you want to keep at least three feet away, so that the droplets do not get on you," Dr Bobb said. He also advised that if you should come in contact with someone who has the virus, or who you suspect may be a carrier, use a mask to cover your mouth and nose, and some form of eyewear to protect your eyes.


Again, simple but effective. "You shouldn't be coughing into your hands," the doctor said. Cough into the sleeve of your clothes or the lining of your top by the neck. This will help minimise the spread of the virus and is a suitable alternative to carrying around a rag, which just holds the germs and keeps them on you.

Dr Bobb said that while it is virtually inevitable that the virus will reach TT, many simple, personal hygienic actions can help in preventing the easy spread of the virus.


"Coronavirus prevention tips"

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