Health Ministry: Still no cases of coronavirus in TT

With restrictions to travellers coming from China in place, the Ministry of Health has reiterated that there are no confirmed or suspected cases of the coronavirus in TT.

According to a release issued by the ministry on Sunday, the restriction is designed to reduce the risk to people entering the country who may be infected with, or carriers of, the Novel Coronavirus.

The release also sought to assure the public that the ministry is working closely with regional and global health agencies like the Pan American Health Organisation and the Caribbean Public Health Agency as well as the Customs and Excise Division to receive information on all people travelling through or from China where the outbreak began.

The release said travellers coming from China but who may have arrived in TT before the restrictions were implemented were subject to infectious disease protocols.

“If any passenger is found to be exhibiting symptoms consistent with the Novel Coronavirus, and/or coming from a country with ongoing transmission of the virus, they will be immediately isolated and further evaluated to determine the appropriate course of action,” the release stated. The release reminded the public to wash their hands with soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, covering the nose or mouth when sneezing, avoid close contact with people who are ill and thoroughly cooking meat or eggs before eating.


"Health Ministry: Still no cases of coronavirus in TT"

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