Where is the evidence, Mr Young?

THE EDITOR: I was appalled to read about Minister Young making allegations that people were somehow responsible for the progression of some of the crimes by either promoting it or holding talks to encourage it. He is yet to mention where and how he acquired the evidence to support these allegations.

We the people know better and we are not either stupid or ignorant. We know when there is no evidence to back up an allegation, it is called hearsay, which has absolutely no weight in court hearings.

What I believe prompted the minister to pass the buck is that his administration has been marred and blamed for the high levels of crime in the past four year. In addition, election is around the corner and that means his party has to make itself look good or clean to acquire the necessary votes to be back in power.

I think agitation and frustration perhaps are the reasons for his accusation that some people with a vested interest are the culprits behind some of the crimes taking place.

But the government must understand that falsehood and fake propaganda has the potential to backfire in the face of the proponent especially when the evaluators are not stupid or ignorant.

I am no lawyer and I am not sure if he is a lawyer (Editor's note: Young is an attorney) but his diatribe is certainly meritless and shows him to be a person who rattles and rant when caught between a rock and an a hard place. If he knows who the culprits are, he should send the information to the relevant authorities instead of making allegations before the media.


New York


"Where is the evidence, Mr Young?"

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