Jr Panorama launch on Friday

Beverly Ramsey-Moore, president of Pan Trinbago, has said the show must go on in spite of the late distribution of the organisation's budget allocation for this year’s Carnival.
She said: “We have been doing all that we’re doing without any percentage of our allocation for Carnival 2020, and this is the first time it has happened. Normally we would get money before the start of Panorama.”
Asked how Pan Trinbago was able to continue its programme, she said: “It has been happening by pure goodwill and the resilience of our members. But we are hoping to receive a part of our allocation before the end of the week.”
Ramsey-Moore said she was told the National Carnival Commission (NCC), from which Pan Trinbago receives its allocation, is waiting for the actual funds from the relevant ministry, but there is a commitment for the release of funds.
She said: “We were told that the NCC hasn’t as yet received the monies. Hopefully by today (Wednesday) the NCC should receive the money from the Ministry of Finance.
"Once that is done, we will be able to get our allocation, which will go to pay the bands their assistance, to ready themselves for Panorama and also to pay the single-pan bands their prize money just before the small bands semi-final on Saturday.”
The Single Pan 2020 competition was completed in December, with defending champions San Juan East Side Symphony sharing top honours with Marsicans Steel Orchestra.
Arrangers Carlon “Panman” Harewood and Marlon White were responsible for taking the bands to winners row.
The Ministry of Education and Pan Trinbago will formally launch the National Junior Panorama on Friday at 9 am at the VIP Lounge at the Savannah.
Ramsey-Moore said at a meeting between the two parties on Wednesday, the launch was discussed, along with other aspects of the Junior Panorama.
She said: “The Minister of Education is a panman and he is very supportive of Pan Trinbago, so he understands the dynamics and so we were able to have a very successful meeting this morning (Wednesday)."
"Jr Panorama launch on Friday"