Expanding the global hashing community

Lead Hare Christine Lyon (centre) and her Red Dress Charity team -
Lead Hare Christine Lyon (centre) and her Red Dress Charity team -


MOMENTS AFTER it was announced that Trinidad and Tobago had won the bid to host the World Interhash in 2020, the islands were put on the front burner of the global hashing community. Where is Trinidad and Tobago? How do we get there? Do we need a visa to get there? What kind of terrain do the islands have? What is the temperature like there? Do they speak English?

As the TT Interhash Committee began putting steps in place to create a safe and memorable event, so too International kennels began making their own plans.

Weeks after the bid announcement, teams began touching down on our shores to do their own recognisance of the islands, make their assessment of the hotels, the hash hub, the bars and restaurants, transport, and the general vibe of the islands.

Across the hashing community, hashers began reaching out not only to seek answers to those questions, but also to offer their services as hares, volunteers, circle masters and advice from their many years of international experience.

Interhash Trail Master, Randall Lyon, will have the fortune of having his 15 lead hares and their teams on the trail, as well as the wealth of hashing experience of 29 international hares, who have signed up to join his crew. These men and women will lend their expertise and help set the trails alongside the local Lead Hares and their teams, including the challenging Ball Breaker Run, the signature Jou’vert run and the popular Red Dress Charity Run.

This special charity run lead by Christine Lyon and Reed Harper will be hosted at Hadco Phase II Panyard, giving the participants their first taste of pan, and is dedicated to The Shelter for Battered Women, bringing international support for a local charity.

Foreign runners will get a chance to explore the city trails, as well as those in Chaguaramas, Santa Cruz, Banchisseuse, Maracas Bay, Rincon, Arena, Malabar Farms, Calvary Hill, Tacarigua, Matura, Rampanalgas, Seline Bay, Gran Couva and Piparo. Those lucky enough to attend the Pre Lube in Tobago will get the chance to run the trails in Les Couteau/Arnos Vale and Pigeon Point Tobago. With over 500,000 hashers from more then 2000 kennels or clubs, this tightly-knit group are globe trotters, who attend hash events across the world throughout the year, and are always happy to join in the action, experience new cultures, meet new hashers and re-enforce their sense of kinship.

Local hashers have the opportunity to learn many hashing traditions from our guests, as they share stories and learn from each other. Sixteen Circle Masters will lead the Down Down groups in song and other traditions after the run, making it a truly international event. One hasher from Australia began singing “ Shame and Scandal in the family” at the Pan Asia much to the surprise of the Trini group.

International hashers have also signed on as volunteers to work alongside local hashers, groups such as the Lions Clubs of Trinidad and Tobago and other interested persons, who will all play a critical role in the seamless experience of the World Interhash.

In Fiji in 2018, the Trinidadian group who went there to bid for the 2020 event, were surprised to find out that there is a “Trini Chutney “ radio programme on very Thursday night on a local radio station in Fiji, staring Sundar Popo, and others, spreading Trinidad and Tobago culture around the world. This group from Fiji has already been to Trinidad, done their recce, visited many of the East Indian Cultural Centers and was surprised to find such a large East Indian community in Trinidad.

Another scout from Taiwan came to Trinidad, didn’t know what to expect, and was happy to report to this fellow Asian hashes that the island was very much like home, with the same flora and fauna, the people were very friendly and that there were a mix of all nations including Asian people.

“Trinidad is a really beautiful place and everyone I have met is so friendly. I need to get this information back to Taiwan because they all want to know what’s happening with the Interhash. I will make a good report and promote it in Taiwan for you. I am very excited about it now. “

As an international event, it has the capacity to forge life long friendships as well as return visitors for the Tourism industry.

If you want to get involved and join the fun, sign up at Interhashtrinidad2020.com.


"Expanding the global hashing community"

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