Trinis, you are really selfish and unpatriotic

THE EDITOR: Trinis, you have got to be the most selfish of peoples. Nowhere in the world can you get away with the stuff we get away with here.

First to begin, we are always saying we don’t like the crime but when the Government that you all say is solely responsible for curbing crime puts in place a measure to deal with the proceeds from crime, we call this measure draconian and treacherous.

Being a citizen requires that you sacrifice and yes, there is a lot of inconvenience attached to this measure.

It also requires that you pay each according to your means and receive each according to your needs. And yes, you are required to declare all your income in all countries of the world and tax evasion is a crime.

Trinis, you’ve got to be the most unpatriotic people on this Earth. Patriotism requires sacrificing for nation building, it requires that you pay your own way. So I am waiting for the imposition of the property tax to hear the crescendo and avalanche of wailing and gnashing for teeth.

Again I say you complain daily about the potholes in the road, the drains that overflow and the whole host of other failures of government but yet you won’t pay for these services.

We have all enjoyed a subsidised standard of living, subsidised by the State using taxpayers’ dollars. You say no, but every time the Government subsidised our gasoline, water and electricity and even telephone services you were happy. I say that you are unpatriotic because it is your duty to pay as you earn, to make the sacrifices for nation building.

I for my part had no need to line up in any bank because the bank already has all my money which they hold to pay my mortgages and all my bills. My mattress is only for sleeping on.

I eagerly await the imposition of the property tax because I want a better life for my unborn grandchildren. I want them to live in a safe and clean environment and I am prepared to make the sacrifice and pay my way.

Finally, I know that there are more people like me who understand that patriotism is not just a word that belongs in a dictionary but also in the hearts and minds of all nation builders.




"Trinis, you are really selfish and unpatriotic"

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