Al-Rawi wrong on court impasse

THE EDITOR: I read with amazement the Honourable Attorney General’s response to the current impasse at the Sangre Grande Magistrates’ Court between police officers and MTS security officers.

AG Faris Al-Rawi has it all wrong and whosoever has advised him seems to be completely unaware of the situation with police officers being subjected to searches before entering the court.

The truth of the matter is that the police officers are NOT subjecting themselves to searches by the MTS officers. This has led to the police prosecutors and complainants in both courts being absent during court sessions for more than a week.

All police matters are being adjourned and in some instances dismissed for non-appearance of the complainant. The impasse has continued up to the present time of this letter being written (November 21) and police officers have stood their ground. In the meantime the wheels of justice have slowed, if not halted.




"Al-Rawi wrong on court impasse"

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